The Law Today

Dominga” law is published, which modifies the Labor Code by altering the special permits in case of death of persons related to the worker.

05 Oct 2021


On September 29, 2021, Law No. 21.371 or also called “Dominga Law” was published in the Official Gazette, which modifies the Labor Code by altering the special leaves in case of death of persons related to the worker. Specifically, these leaves are established as follows:

1. In case of death of a child, every worker will be entitled to 10 calendar days of paid leave.

2. In case of death of the spouse or civil partner, every employee shall be entitled to a similar leave, for 7 calendar days.

3. In the case of death of a child during pregnancy, the leave shall be applied for 7 working days.

4. In the event of the death of the employee’s father or mother, such leave shall be for 3 working days.

5. These leaves shall be additional to the annual holiday and shall be granted regardless of the employee’s length of service.


Should you require additional information on this matter, please contact: Alfred Sherman ( and/or Felipe Ovalle (