The Law Today

Exempt Resolution No. 532 of 2022 of the National Television Council is published, which distributes the electoral propaganda time for the Constitutional Plebiscite on free-to-air television channels.

02 Ago 2022


On July 28, 2022, Exempt Resolution No. 532, issued on July 27, 2022 by the National Television Council, was published in the Official Gazette, which distributes the electoral propaganda time for the constitutional referendum in free-to-air television channels.

Considering the issuance and publication in the Official Gazette of Supreme Decree N°2.078, which “Calls for a National Constitutional Referendum” for September 4, 2022, and the application of the constitutional rules that order the issuance of a resolution by the National Television Council that determines the distribution of the 30 free daily minutes available on free-to-air television channels for the electoral propaganda on this referendum, this mandate is complied with, determining, in Resolution No. 532, the organizations that may participate in the referendum. Ex. No. 532, the organizations authorized by command to broadcast, and their corresponding times.

In addition, civil society organizations not registered in a command are authorized to form one or join an existing one, and must inform this to the National Television Council no later than July 29, 2022, through the e-mail


Should you require additional information on this matter, please contact Andrea Abascal (, and/or Rocío Vergara (