The Law Today

The Public Consultation for the Modification of the Food Sanitary Regulation regarding Food Additives and the issuance of its Technical Standard will be extended until November 30, 2022.

04 Nov 2022


The public consultation called by the Ministry of Health on August 22, 2022, and which refers to the modification of Title III of the Food Additives of the Food Sanitary Regulation (hereinafter “RSA”) and the issuance of a Technical Standard on Food Additives (hereinafter the “Technical Standard”) will be extended until November 30, 2022.

The ministerial proposal implies different modifications to the RSA to adapt the food classification system to the international standards on food additives set by the Codex Alimentarius, adapting these criteria to the national reality.

In addition, the amendment seeks to validate the application of additives added to foods, harmonize the use of food additives by food category and establish limitations on their use and application according to the different regulated categories.

Later, the Technical Standard will specify the permitted food additives and their maximum limits of use, for each of the different food categories contemplated, standards that must be used for the products that will be marketed in our territory, whether manufactured in Chile or imported into our country.

The different observations to the proposed modifications to the TTF or to the text of the Technical Standard itself, may be sent to the authority until November 30, 2022, through the observations form published on the website of the Ministry of Health.


If you require additional information on this matter, please contact Andrea Abascal (, and/or Andrés Sepúlveda (