The Law Today

Ministry of the Interior and Public Security – Temporary delegation of COEVA’s presidency to Regional Governors

08 Mar 2023


On February 7, 2023, Supreme Decree No. 62 of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Safety was issued, by means of which the competency that corresponded to that agency was temporarily transferred to the Regional Governors.

The transferred competence, which we highlight, is that of presiding over the Environmental Evaluation Commission (“COEVA”) in the corresponding region, being of special relevance, among the other functions of the president of the COEVA, that of settling in case of a tie vote in the qualification of the projects submitted to the Environmental Impact Evaluation System (“SEIA”).

The limitation corresponds to a delegation for 5 years, to the following Regional Governments:

1. Tarapacá;
2. Antofagasta;
3. Atacama;
4. Valparaíso;
5. Maule;
6. Ñuble;
7. Biobío;
8. Los Rios;
9. Los Lagos;
10. Aysén;
11. Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica.

The above-mentioned term begins 6 months after the publication of the decree in the Official Gazette, with respect to any permit or authorization in process or to be initiated after that date.


Should you require additional information on this matter, please contact: Javier Naranjo, and Martín Esser,