The Law Today

Decree No. 48 of 2022 is published, which amends Supreme Decree No. 977 of 1996, of the Ministry of Health, on Food Sanitary Regulations, regarding the fortification of milk and flour with Vitamin D.

07 Jul 2022


On July 5, 2022, Resolution No. 48 dated May 11, 2022, issued by the Undersecretariat of Public Health of the Ministry of Health, was published in the Official Gazette, amending Supreme Decree No. 977 of 1996 of the Ministry of Health, or Food Sanitary Regulation (hereinafter the “Regulation”).

In view of the Vitamin D deficiency in women of childbearing age and elderly people evidenced by the National Health Survey of 2017, the aforementioned Regulation is amended, establishing a new regulation of the process of elaboration of liquid milk, powdered milk, and flour, which must be fortified with Vitamin D3, in the terms, components and doses indicated.

In this sense, new paragraphs are added to article 211 of the Regulation, referring to liquid milk, and related to its fortification with Vitamin D3.

New paragraphs are added to article 216 of the Regulation, referring to powdered milk and its fortification with Vitamin D3.

Finally, new paragraphs are added to article 350 of the Regulation, referring to flour, a product that must be fortified with Vitamin D3, preferably of vegetable origin.

This decree will become effective 24 months after its publication in the Official Gazette, that is, on July 6, 2024.


Should you require additional information on this matter, please contact Andrea Abascal (, and/or Rocío Vergara (