On September 15, 2021, the following resolutions were published in the Official Gazette, ordering the installation and maintenance of measurement and transmission systems of effective extractions for ground and surface water in different sectors of different regions of the country:
1. Surface water:
(i) Exempt Resolution No. 1,124 of August 19, 2021, orders users whose collection points are located in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, specifically in the coastal basin between Maipo and Rapel.
(ii) Exempt Resolution No. 1,421 of August 19, 2021, orders users whose collection points are located in the Valparaíso Region, specifically in the coastal basin between Maipo and Rapel.
(iii) Exempt Resolution No. 491 of August 26, 2021, orders users whose collection points are located in the Araucanía Region, in the Imperial river basins; Budi river basin; coastal basins between Budi and Toltén rivers; Toltén river basin; and Queule river basin.
(iv) Exempt Resolution No. 182 of August 30, 2021, orders users whose catchment points are located in the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica Region, specifically in the basins “Coastal between Andrew Sound and Hollemberg River and Islands to the East” and “Coastal between Laguna Blanca (inc), Otway Sound, Jerónimo Channel and Magallanes”.
2. Ground Waters:
(i) Exempt Resolution N°261 of August 31, 2021, orders the holders whose water catchment points are located in the Tarapacá Region, specifically in the Hydrogeological Sector of Common Use called Salar de Sur Viejo.
(ii) Exempt Resolution No. 721 of August 16, 2021, orders the holders whose water catchment points are located in the Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins Region, specifically in the Hydrogeological Sectors of Common Use (SHAC): Yerbas Buenas Chain; El Monte – Tinguiririca; Estero Hidango; Estero Paredones; Estero Pupuya; Estero Quiahue; Estero San Antonio; Estero Topocalma; Laguna Bucalemu; Laguna de Cahuil; Nilahue before Quiahue; Nilahue in Santa Teresa; San Fernando; Tinguiririca Superior; and Chimbarongo.
(iii) Exempt Resolution No. 691 of August 23, 2021, orders the holders whose water catchment points are located in the Maule Region, specifically in the Hydrological Sector of Common Use (SHAC) Chimbarongo.
Should you require additional information on this matter, please contact: Martín Esser,