The Law Today

ISP approves Basis for Supplier Assessment Programme for the Determination and Control of Occupational Noise Exposure

06 Abr 2021


On 17 March 2021, an extract of the Exempt Resolution No. 334, dated 01 March 2021, was published in the Official Gazette, through which the Institute of Public Health approves the Bases of the Supplier Assessment Programme for the Determination and Control of Occupational Exposure to Noise.

This evaluation programme responds to the Occupational Exposure to Noise Protocol (PREXOR), as the mechanism to guarantee the quality associated with the performance of environmental evaluations in the workplace.

It is for this reason that compliance with this programme will be mandatory for those who wish to be providers in the determination and control of occupational noise exposure.

Likewise, ISP will be considered as the National Reference Laboratory in Occupational Health, providing a tool to these suppliers that will contribute to guarantee the quality of their Occupational Noise Assessments.


Should you require further information on this matter, please contact Andrea Abascal ( and/or Rocío Vergara (