The Law Today

Law No. 21.361, which adapts the Labor Code with respect to electronic labor documents, enters into force.

17 Nov 2021


On November 12, 2021, Law No. 21,361 came into force, which amends the Labor Code regarding electronic labor documents and minimum indications in notices of termination of employment contracts, among other matters.

In this respect, employers and workers will be able to electronically sign the termination, resignation or mutual agreement that terminates the employment contract.

On the other hand, the employer must inform the employee in the notice of termination whether the settlement will be granted and paid electronically or in person, indicating that the employee may always choose to sign it in person.

Furthermore, the employee must be informed of the possibility of making a reservation of rights when signing the dismissal, if he/she considers it necessary.


Should you require additional information on this matter, please contact: Alfred Sherman ( and/or Felipe Ovalle (